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#26. How calculator works?

How calculator works?

Numbers are endless. I have a task for you.   Can you calculate 40! (40×39×38×37×35×34×..........×2×1) within 2 minutes. You simply can not calculate it without the helps of the calculator.


Yes, you are in the right place. This is the story of calculator.

The invention of transistor and integrated circuit are the reason for today's calculator. There are four basic parts of the calculator.
Earlier vacuum tube calculator needs a day to answer an arithmetical problem. But modern-day calculator gives us an answer within a few seconds.

👉 Processer chip -  This microchip does the difficult task. It scan inputs and generate output accordingly. It has thousands of logic gates.   


👉 Battery- It provides power to the calculator. Nowadays solar cells are used in a calculator.

👉Keyboard sensor- when we power on the calculator, it scans the whole keypad and waits for input. When we press any number on the keyboard, some electrical signal received this signal.

👉Display- It uses to display the output. Today's calculator has an LCD display.


These are the parts. But how they works?Here is an example. I want to calculate the multiplication of 45 and 56.


When I power on the calculator. My keyboard is ready to receive signals. I press 4 then 5, keyboard sensors receive 45 and send it to microprocessor chip.


Microprocessor chip receives 45 and converts it into binary format as calculator works only in binary form. After converting binary form successfully processer register this binary number in a place ( take this place as x).

Then I press on multiplication symbol for multiplication. The microprocessor receives the multiplication function.


Now the processer is waiting for another number. When I press 5 and 6, similarly keyboard sensor receives it. Microprocessor encoded it into binary form, save it in that place of x and send the first number 45 to a new place ( take the new place as y)

There are thousands of logic gates on ALU(Arithmetic Logical Unit). The logic gates starts it's work to find the results. As our input is in binary form logic gate gives the binary result. Now the decoder again converts the result into a decimal number.Then the microprocessor sends the decimal results to display section and we get the results.4️⃣5️⃣×5️⃣6️⃣=2️⃣5️⃣2️⃣0️⃣.

I hope you may understand this. Thanks for visiting.