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#50.What is asteroid? Is there any way to destroy asteroid?

Hey, I wanna tell you a story about our earth and asteroids. 65 million years ago a 10-kilometre asteroid strikes north of the Yucatan Peninsula, causes a global firestorm, this is the reason of wiped out the dinosaurs. There are over 822,000 known asteroids.

This story is about the asteroid. how it formed and how dangerous is it?


Asteroids are rocky worlds revolving around the sun Asteroids are actually minor planets which can neither be classified either as a planet or as a comet. They are otherwise called planetoids or minor planets. There are a large number of asteroids, ranging in size from hundreds of miles to several feet across. These are different from the minor planets within the outer system in their volatile-based surfaces very similar to comets.

According to the composition, asteroids are mainly divided into 3 major groups c-types, s-types, m-types.

1) C-type – C stands for contrite. These are the most familiar type of asteroids, consisting 75% of known asteroid population, also overseeing the outer part of the asteroid belt. All carbonaceous asteroids fall under this category.

2) S-type – The moderately bright asteroids with component mainly including iron and magnesium silicates. These are mainly based in the central asteroid belt. Here s is stands for stony type.

3) M-type– The asteroids with nickel and iron in its purest form are divided under M-type or metallic. Sometimes these are also found with the presence of stones. Nearly all the M type asteroids are visible by binoculars. This is the only asteroid that can be seen even without binoculars because of the relatively reflective surface.

Majority of known asteroids belongs from the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter, And their orbit is 2 to 4 AU (Astronomical Unit) or 300 to 600 million kilometres distance from the sun. But some asteroids altered from their orbits by gravitational force and come nearer to Earth. If these asteroids are at the distance of 1.3 AU from earth then they are called as NEAs or Near-Earth Asteroids. If they cross earth's orbit then they are known as Earth-crossers. Some of them called Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA) if it will come less than 0.05 AU from the earth.

Sixty-five million years ago, an asteroid wiped out over 75% of species on Earth. But to really soak life off the planet, The heat and cosmic radiation would make Earth inhospitable. Asteroid crashing into our planet would instantly exterminate many animals. But the consequence of such an impact would be even more disastrous like Tsunamis, earthquakes, and vast clouds of dust blocking out the sun would lead to crop failure and mass death. In 2013 The risk of being even injured from a 20-meter object hurt nearly 1,500 people exploded over Russia.

How to protect our earth from asteroids?

Several techniques have been proposed, including using nuclear missiles, laser bars, or even spray paint, however, none are verified turning out to be a reality.

To decrease uncertainty and help a more detailed option, NASA will lead new techniques to improve the USA's capacities for distinguishing, identifying, and defining NEO. At this time, NASA upholds ground-based asteroids observatories. Nonetheless, it should distinguish openings in existing and arranged telescope projects to improve the volume and nature of information streams.

The successive objective is to improve displaying, goal, and data coordination across American offices, which will upgrade the probability of impacts chance and when and where it would hit Earth.

NASA likewise was asked to provide better approaches to redirect an asteroid and grow new innovations for fast reaction NEO observation missions.

Expanding universal collaboration to all the more likely set up the world if there should be an occurrence of a space rock strike is important for the plan. For that, NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office is working along with the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The board has a global system of asteroids following stargazers and observatories (International Asteroid Warning Network), sharing helpful information about NEO.

The last primary objective solicitations an action intend to go as a result if a huge asteroids were to hit Earth with practically no warming. It requires improvement and preparing of NEO effect crisis methods and activity techniques.

How asteroid formed?

Asteroids are extras from the arrangement of our close planetary system about 4.6 billion years back. At a reasonable time, the introduction of Jupiter kept any planetary bodies from forming in the hole among Mars and Jupiter, causing the little items that were there to crash into one another and part into the asteroids seen today.

Understanding of how the near solar system advanced is continually extending. Two genuinely ongoing hypotheses, the Nice classification and the Grand Tack, suggest that the gas monsters moved around before subsiding into their advanced circles. This development could have sent asteroids from the fundamental belt descending upon the earthbound planets, purging and topping off the first belt.

How an asteroid ended the age of dinosaurs?

As per abundant geographical proof, an asteroid around 10 km (6 miles) across hit Earth around 65 million years prior. This effect made a big blast and a hole around 180 km (approximately 110 miles) over. Garbage from the blast was thrown out into the air, seriously altering the environment, and promoting the elimination of approximately 3/4 of species that existed around then, including the dinosaurs. Several asteroids of this sort are currently known; their circles go through the internal close planetary system and cross Earth's circle. A part of these might hit Earth later on. Most, yet not all are littler than the one that hit us 65 million years back.

Space rocks hit Earth ordinarily at high speeds of 16 to 32 km/sec (10-20 miles/sec). During the effect, the kinetic energy in the space rock (or energy of motion) is changed over to dangerous energy, blowing garbage of excess, soil, and shakes into the climate, however out into space, where it fell go into the head of the air. Early figuring out during the 1980s (utilizing to some extent thoughts turned out to be via Carl Sagan and his associates) indicated that so much sediment entered the high climate that the Earth was covered in an extra layer that blocked daylight for a little while or months. This would have executed a few plants, disturbing the food chain.

This horror story can be solved by science. Never overthink about these asteroids. Enjoy your day.