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#39. How earth's magnetic field works?how earth's magnetic field protect us? Science story of earth's magnetic field.

In the last 50 years, our satellite finds a weak spot of earth's magnetic field over the southern Atlantic Ocean. In the last 200 years, it gets 9% weaker. This may be a serious problem. 

This story is about the earth's magnetic field. What is the science behind the earth's magnetic field?

Earth's Magnetic Field:

Earth's magnetic field is a layer of electrical charge particles that acts as a shield for our planet.

Magnetic field

Down in the Earth, liquid metal (for the most part iron) streams because of warmth which causes convection. This stream will in general sort out itself into designs, much the same as the examples you'll find in oil in the event that you heat it in a frying pan. Such examples in a flowing conductor will in general make magnetism. A similar thought is utilized in the "dynamo".

Earth's magnetic field is brought about by a dynamo effect. The effect works similarly as a dynamo light on a cycle. Magnets in the dynamo begin turning when the bike is accelerated, making an electric flow. The electricity is then used to turn on the light. 


This procedure additionally works backwards. On the off chance that you have a rotating electric flow, it will make a magnetic field. 

On Earth, the streaming of fluid metal in the external core of the planet creates electric flows or electric current. The turn of Earth on its axis makes these electric flows structure an magnetic field which reaches out around the planet. 


The magnetic field is important to supporting life on Earth. Without it, we would be presented to high amounts of radiation from the Sun and our atmosphere would be allowed to leak into space. 
The field secures life on our planet since it redirects charged particles terminated from the sun known as 'solar wind'.

Without this protective layer, these particles would almost certainly strip away the Ozone layer, our only line of protection against dangerous UV radiation.

This is likely what befallen the environment on Mars. As Mars doesn't have streaming fluid metal in its centre, it doesn't create a similar dynamo impact. This left the planet with an extremely powerless magnetic field, taking into account its environment to be stripped away by solar winds, making it unlivable.

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