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#15. what are the Sources of Light?

If someone asks you about the fastest thing in the universe, then the only things that come to your mind is Light.


How light is produced?

When an object heats up, atoms in that object absorb heat energy. Because of heat, the electron inside the atom gets excited. But the electron can't maintenance the excited state no longer. The extra energy realised as photons, which consists of a small package of energy and light is made up of these Photons.

Sources of light :

There are many sources of light but we categories them into two types

1. Natural sources2. Artificial Sources

Natural sources

Sun, Stars, moon, fire and jellyfish are the examples of natural sources of light as they produce light own self. But how they produce light own self. How sun gives light? Here is the answer, Sun gives us light because of a chemical reaction Nuclear fusion. Hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium. This reaction creates massive heat and Light. Then the light passes the vacuum at a very high speed of 300,000,000 meters per second as it doesn't need any medium to travel.

Artificial Sources :   

  Artificial sources means man-made sources. Neon light, electrical bulb are the examples of Artificial sources of light. In the case of neon light, Light is produced by the Neon gas. Neon is a noble gas.


 It doesn't want to react with any other atoms as it has fulfilled its octet. So nearly 1500 volts is the minimum energy required to excite the outer electron of neon. Positive protons attracted towards the negative terminal and free-electron attracted towards the positive terminal and the circuit is complete. Now the circuit is complete Atoms inside the light collide with each other, exchange their energy During this energy exchange lots of heat realized inside the light, some of these electron gets energy and get excited When it comes to their real position they emit energy in the form of light.


   Incandescent light bulbs glow because of tungsten. When electrical current passes through the circuit the filament(made up tungsten) warm, glow and gives us light.

  Every day we see light but it takes Thomas Edison's 999 unsuccessful experiments.lastly he came up with a Bulb.

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