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#10. Is there Gravity in Space? What are the myths of zero gravity?

What is gravity?

  A mass body attracts another mass body in the universe, The logical thing behind this is Gravity. 

    This blog is not only about gravity but also the reality of its existence in space.


Describing the importance of gravity is not a joke. Due to gravity, the Earth is present at the enjoyable distance from the Sun. Lives in the earth are due to the sun, due to gravity. The moon also revolves around the earth because of gravity, which control the speed of the earth and we get a surprise a day of containing 24 hours.

Myths of Zero gravity:-

It is impossible to find Zero gravity. Really it is microgravity. As a citizen of the modern era, we need proof. Then the secret is here. Sir Issac Newton gives an expression related to the gravity. It states that the gravitational force between two mass bodies directly proportional to the product of the mass of two-body and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.


Where F is gravitational force M1 and M2  are masses of bodies and r be the distance between them. 

In space, there is no air. Only gravity is the force which works on both on astronaut and spacecraft. There is no effect of mass. It is a free fall. So In ISS both spacecraft and astronaut falls at the same time, it reassembles as they float.

Gravitational force may be zero in two cases if the mass body has zero mass or distance between them is infinite .but both of these are impossible in space as the mass body has zero mass and the minimum measurable distance or radius of the Earth is 6.38×10^6m.
So there is no any reality of zero gravity it is all about microgravity.
 Then there is another interesting fact..if there is zero reality of Zero gravity then how astronaut floats on space...?

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